Color me embarrassed, it seems the blog I wrote this weekend did not post! Oh, technology! I will try again with loading our science pictures when I get home to a faster internet connection. Thanks for your patience! I did want to inform you of the daily book bags going home today. It is simply a ziplock bag with your child's name written on it. The book inside is precious, however, since classroom sets of leveled books are expensive. Thank you in advance for handling the books with care and helping your child keep track of the books! Your child should be able to read the book independently. Encourage him or her to read it a few times, especially if it's on the shorter side (first graders enjoy reading to a all family members, pets, even stuffed animals). The book bag comes back to school daily! Students will get a new book a few times a week. Thank you for helping your child grow as a reader with this routine! Also, a friendly reminder, room 16 has library tomorrow (the red or blue cloth bag). Thanks, again!
9/18/2014 10:43:42 am
Thanks for the reminder. Ben loves library day and also the leveled readers :). I'm looking forward to seeing the photos.
Ms. Ernst
9/23/2014 09:54:48 am
I am glad he is enjoying the books!
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